The Pros And Cons Of Promotion
10 Nov, 20205 minutesHowever, no business is going to offer you more money without getting something in return. Y...

However, no business is going to offer you more money without getting something in return. You must understand how progression will impact your day-to-day role and decide whether or not you want to accept.
When offered a promotion, we always recommend thanking your employer or boss, whomever you are in discussions with, and requesting time to consider. This will allow you time to contemplate and decide if this is a move you really want to make. It also allows you the space to think about whether you would like to negotiate specific terms of the offer.
We believe that every career decision is a personal one. You should never feel pressured to follow a specific career path. Below is an overview of the pros and cons of a promotion offer.
What promotion means
Quick answer: A promotion often refers to an employed individual gaining a higher job title and salary in return for increased responsibilities.
In-depth answer: Many people view workplace advancement as a confirmation that you are doing a good job and are ready to take the next step in your career. After all, why would a company take a risk on you if they weren’t 100% sure you could deliver?
It also means a salary increase. If you have been offered an elevated job role without an increase in annual pay, we highly recommend you enquire why this is the case. You shouldn’t be expected to give more of yourself without taking on a higher salary in return.
A promotion is often a quid pro quo agreement. In exchange for a higher job title and salary, you will be expected to take on additional responsibilities. These increased responsibilities could be a range of things depending on your current role and the role you will be taking on.
We highly recommend asking for the proposition to be sent to you in writing. During the meeting where the advancement is offered, there will be many thoughts running through your mind, distracting you from the minute details you will need to know throughout the decision-making process.
What are the benefits of promotion?
Being promoted at work comes with an abundance of benefits; particularly if the offer falls in line with how you want your career to develop. Just a few of the positives that could come from accepting a promotion offer include:
- Salary increase - Money can’t buy you happiness, but it can help you live a more comfortable lifestyle. In addition to a higher wage, some roles may also include annual bonuses.
- Job security - The more specialised your position becomes in a company, the higher the job security. This can reduce stress levels and give you more confidence to approach a project a little differently to how you may have if your job security was lower.
- Increased confidence - Being offered career elevation is hugely flattering. It shows that your employers believe in you and your ability to move on to the next stage of your career.
- Additional input - A higher role often opens further opportunities for you to add your opinion. Having your voice heard can help you feel even more valued and make you care about the business even more than you did before.
What are the disadvantages of promotion?
While there are many potential benefits to accepting a promotion offer, there are also disadvantages. These include:
- Diverting away from your dream - Everyone has a vision of where they want their career to end up. Some career advancement offers may lead you down a different path, away from the role you have been heading towards.
- Poor timing - A promotion may come at a particularly stressful time in your personal life. While you may love the job and industry you operate in, if elevation is going to put additional strain on an already stressful home-situation, now might not be the time to leap.
- You are content with the way things are - It’s drilled into us at a very early age that we should want to climb the career ladder. However, going as high as you can isn’t for everybody. If you have found a position that you enjoy and feel like a promotion will not be as fulfilling as your current role, you will be doing yourself a disservice if you take it.
- Not all employers will offer a salary increase - If you are being asked to take on more responsibility without any incentive, that says a lot about what your company thinks about their employees. Even if you have the best job in the world, remember that it is still a business transaction and you should be fairly compensated for the service you provide.
Should you accept or reject a promotion offer?
Whether you accept or reject a promotion offer is a decision that only you can make. We recommend sitting down with an outline of the proposal and ask yourself:
- How will this change my relationship with my co-workers?
- How will this impact my current work-life balance?
- How will my day-to-day work differ to what I’m doing now?
- Does this elevation help me get closer to my personal development goals?
- Is this really what I want?
Look at it without rose-tinted glasses and try to see it for precisely what it is. Perhaps you have a mentor that you can use as a sounding board when deciding whether accepting a promotion will make you happier.
You could also seek the advice of trusted friends and family, but remember that while they can offer their opinion, no one can make this decision for you.
Is turning down a promotion bad?
Quick answer: As with most things in life, there are pros and cons to rejecting a promotion offer. The most important thing is how you handle the situation.
In-depth answer: As mentioned, there are multiple reasons why you may want to reject an offer. We recommend asking what the implications are if you do not accept so that you have an understanding of how both avenues will impact your career. If you are planning on rejecting an advancement offer, have a reason ready that you are happy to share with your employer or boss.
Always approach a promotion rejection with appreciation and provide an outline of why you need to maintain your current position. Highlight the aspects of your current role that are vital to your professional satisfaction and how you add value to the company within that role. Reiterate your commitment to the company and perhaps share your own ideas regarding your professional development along with any plans you have in place to continue growing. This approach will help you maintain your relationships with your employer or boss while politely declining their promotion offer.
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